Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Fabulous Introduction!

     My name is Angel and this is my blog! Best introduction ever!! Seriously, though, my name is Angel I am a stay at home mom, a worship leader, a nanny, a singer, a songwriter, and so much more! I know there are many moms out there who can add many things to that list. I have an amazing husband, Justin, and two awesome boys, Peyton age 7 and Makani age 3. I love Jesus and I am creating this blog to share and interact with people. I, as my husband would agree, always have a lot to say about everything! So my blog will be about EVERYTHING! I am so scatter brained that I couldn't keep it to one topic if I tried! Lucky for you!! Let's begin!
    I want my first post to be significant and astounding. I want it to be groundbreaking and opening ceremonies worthy, but I really want to know what you want to talk about! Seriously! Music, parenthood, Jesus, Facebook, chocolate, making things, COFFEE! As many of my fellow stay at home moms can attest, being alone with kids all day does something to your brain! You know that commercial with the mom who is home with her baby all day? Her husband comes home and the first words uttered out of her mouth are "Is daddy-waddy home from worky-jerky?"  I am that woman sometimes!! I have asked my husband if he needs to go potty! When I jog on my treadmill, I pretend that someone is jogging next to me and we're racing... Probably should have kept that one to myself! Well, you see what I am talking about! I figure that if I am feeling a need to get out there and socialize more, there must be other people, too!
     I am not claiming to know everything, so don't count me as arrogant just yet, besides there'll be plenty of time for that in my later posts! I do have insights and opinions and I am happy to share and discuss in a civilized manner. I am not looking to argue and I am not looking for cruelty. Good old fashioned discussion, encouraging words, funny jokes, and whatever else comes up! I'm not here to judge because the bible tells me that I am judged for judging and I definitely don't want to be judged by my creator! The verse in the bible that I am referring to is Matthew 7:1-2. 
     Before I sign off on my first post, I want to share my morning with you. It wasn't particularly special or eventful, but I found myself wandering in my mind. You know, down the road called "What if". It's a dark road with no conclusions only scenarios that you can make up to your liking. There is no absolution and there is no end. There is " I bet this would happen" or " I would probably be better off" and " I would have more money", but the truth is you never win with the "what if" game. I say to myself "What if I were skinny?" "What if I were rich?", and my answers turn out the same. I wouldn't be me. I wouldn't be the person I am right now, I wouldn't have the amazing family that I have right now, and I wouldn't have the wonderfully, crazy life that I love! God told it to me like this "Everybody's walk with God looks different. Nobody's is perfect or better than someone else's, they're just different. God cares about us all and dwells within us all. We all have different paths, different struggles, and different ways to communicate with God. My walk doesn't look the same as yours, but it leads to the same place! I have to remind myself of this because I catch myself asking God if I can follow somebody else's path. I see how we'll they're doing and feel like my path is too bumpy to follow. I forget that mine is designed specifically for me, by the creator himself. That is a big deal!! He is thinking of me! The God of the universe thinks I am the greatest thing ever!! Forget the seven wonders of the world, they pale in comparison to the children of God!! Jesus wasn't sent here to die for beautiful waterfalls or tropical paradises! He was sent for you and me!! God's plan for Jesus was for him alone. Nobody else could do it and I am glad Jesus didn't stray from it. I don't know what God has in store for me, but I will follow the path He chose because only I can fulfill it!!"
    Thanks for reading! I look forward to blogging more and connecting!

1 comment:

  1. Should I hope to find the time to read in someway more than a random thought I hope too , I usually end up thinking ooops I forgot to do that today but I just read each post and found I was done way to fast, so whether I keep up daily or find myself catching up I know I will enjoy it both ways , Great job Miss *I am Angel I know who I am* looking forward to your blog ~ Tori

    p.s. Bookmarked!!
