Thursday, November 7, 2013

Change is never Easy

You know when you need to change. Whether or not you're willing to admit it, is what makes change a possibility or not. Tomorrow I am taking a new path and setting out to change what needs to be changed in me. I'm not excited and I am not looking forward to it! It's not that I fear change, but I have set out so many times and fallen flat on my face. So I say to myself "What makes me think that this time will be different?" And to that, I have no answer.
Those of you who know me, know that my weight has been up and down. I am definitely willing to admit that, but changing it is hard. It's not just about the physicality of it. There is something on the inside that is hindering me. I was angry for some time because I hurt my knee and I couldn't run anymore. After that things just went downhill. I was angry and frustrated. I was stressed and felt like my weight loss goals had halted. I let that circumstance get me down and I tripped myself up. I realize that stress fuels my weight gain. Slight anxiety attacks shut me down and that frustration builds up in me. Now that I can see that, I can fight it.

I am sharing this with you because I know that I am not the only one who has gone through this. I know that I am not the only one that struggles with internal hang ups.

I debated for a long time whether or not to share this with you, because now I am out in the open. I can't turn back. If I fail, then everyone will know. This is scary, yes, but I am not the only person who has ever failed at something! At least I can gain tips and tricks if I share with people, rather than suffer in silence.

So with that I ask that any tips you can pass along, please do. What worked for you and what didn't? Have you been there? Do you want to start this journey with me?

I will keep you posted and let you in on what I'm doing, that way if something works for me you can get in on it!

Thanks and wish me luck!


  1. I have faith in you!! I've seen your dedication and determination!! :-)

  2. you and me both sister! I too have ups and downs with my weight. No it's not easy, it;s never easy in the beginning, but once you make a routine habit of it, it will become easier for you! We are all failures in the diet and exercise world, even the most fit and athletic. It's about you and where you are comfortable most with eating and your weight! Im sure I will be passing you sometime throughout this mission, best of luck to ya and keep your head up!
