Sunday, October 20, 2013

Life: Where Are The Instructions??!

When you buy a car it comes with a manual. When you buy piece of furniture it comes with instructions. When you buy a blender it comes with directions. When you're born the life is slapped into you, you get food shoved in your mouth and life is good.... Right?
  Growing up is hard. Everyone's story is unique and is personalized to their own personalities and circumstances. Not one person's life looks like another's. Some people have to grow up a lot sooner than most and some people never grow up. Times like these make me wish there was an instruction manual... WAIT! There IS!! It all starts in Kindergarten! What? Let me explain!
Kindergarten Rules:

There it is. Right there! Easy enough, right? Well, unfortunately we are no longer in Kindergarten and maybe some of us can't remember that far back! ;-)
My life is NO where near perfect! I face challenges and trials just like everybody else on the earth, but I have an advantage! I DO have an instruction manual! GASP!
"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God's Law and Prophets and this is what you get." Matthew 7:12 MSG. I LOVE THIS! The Message bible really sums it up, but if you're still not own over, here is another; "...Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39. This is another message to us. Love your neighbor. Who is your neighbor? Everyone! We have next door neighbors, next city neighbors, next country neighbors, and many more! Love them! It doesn't say you have to like everyone, but you must love them and treat them with respect. Remind you of the kindergarten rules?
  The Bible has so much wisdom and, though, it can be overwhelming at times, it all boils down to this:
  1. Love God!
  2. Love people and treat them with respect and dignity! Whether you believe what they believe, think what they think, or not. You can love people and have different views!
  This only takes care of one, or more, of the many lessons the Bible has to offer. If you feel lost open it up, read with an open mind and heart, and let the lesson begin! Like any lesson, it is tough, but it will benefit you in the long run and the finish line is the main goal!
  Remember to love and keep it classy people!

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