Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Necessary Steps of Faith

Today I have a short story to share with you. It is simple and shows how easy it is to follow God even when we get in our way and complicate things!

After we dropped off Peyton for his first day of school, Makani and I went for a walk. As I headed down Medcalf towards McBride, God told me to keep going straight. I didn't want to, but I was obedient. There was nothing down the road. There was a big field of trees on one side and a lot of nice houses on the other. I didn't know why God wanted me to go down there, so I asked Him to tell me. I started admiring His beauty and thanking Him for all we had. As I looked at the houses a thought popped into my mind. I looked at them and thought "We will never have a house that nice." And that is when God revealed to me why I was walking down that road. He said "Why do you put yourself into this small way of thinking? Am I not bigger than your past? Am I not bigger than the financial situation that you are in?" I began to understand that my father cares about my dreams and desires to own my own home one day. That He wants me to ask Him for the wisdom and blessings to get me there. He is bigger than my debts, my mistakes, and my boxed way of thinking. This morning I let go of those thoughts. I am preparing myself for the blessings headed my way. God is working on my behalf in ways my mind cannot even fathom. I am not saying that things will be handed to me, but I am willing to follow Him and do the work that is necessary. Today it was as simple as walking down a road that I have never been down. It seemed like such a small thing, but it was a necessary step of faith. God wants us to dream big and trust in Him. I am done with earthly thoughts and logic. I am leaning on Heavenly thoughts and God's wisdom! I can't wait to see what He does! I know that in sharing this with you, I will be tested. So when I write a post soon about prayer, please say a quick one for me!! 

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