Saturday, September 7, 2013

It's YOUR right and YOUR choice!

I woke up this morning and so many thoughts were running through my mind. Thoughts about God, family, friends, the world... So many paths. I settled on a thought that has been on my mind for the past few months. For so many years I have let the media decide what is good for me. I let them take my thoughts, my initiative, and my voice. I let them slowly poison my body and the bodies of those I love and I didn't even realize it was happening to me!

You may think me a drama queen, a hippie, a conspiracy theorist, or crack pot, but the truth is I am just like you. I care for those around me and I try to be the best that I can be. I strive, today, to be better than I was yesterday. Growing up I used pills full of harmful ingredients and side effects to temporarily cover up my headaches and pains. Ibuprofen contains harmful NSAIDs that may cause an increased risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events, myocardial infarction, and stroke,which can be fatal. NSAIDS cause an increased risk of serious gastrointestinal adverse events including bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal. These events can occur at any time during use and without warning symptoms. Elderly patients are at greater risk for serious gastrointestinal events. I am not saying that we would be better off without medicine, it is life saving in dire situations! I am saying that I have the right to know that there are less harmful alternatives that actually work and have no side effects! What?! Yes, that's right! 

The media, government, and whoever benefits from the sales of these medications would not like you to know that true health is yours for the taking. That you don't need pill boxes that help you remember what to take and when to take it, and that overdosing on over the counter and prescription drugs can be a thing of the past. Now some of you may think that I am crazy, and that is your right! You have the right to think logically! You have the right to your own thoughts and your own voice, so PLEASE use it wisely! Use it to speak life, use it to build people up, and use it to defend your own body!! Let me tell you how your body has been invaded.

GMOs are taking over the food that we eat! The scientific community will tell you that there is no harm in foods that contain GMOs, but that is something that you should decide! You should decide whether the food you eat contains harmful toxins that effect the way your body performs and functions. You should decide if you would like to slowly poison yourself. YOU have a voice and a choice! I am not here to tell you how to live but I am here to ask that you do the research!  

Let's talk about Roundup weed killer! The main ingredient is glyphosate. Glyphosate is one of the many chemicals found in GMO corn. Huh, if we use this harmful chemical to kill plants, then why do we inject it into our food and then put it into our bodies?! Why would anyone think that is a good idea? There are many more just like it and our body isn't designed to deal with this chemical overload! It messes with our cells and creates giant sized health problems that we try to treat with more chemical-filled medications with a dictionary sized list of side effects. Many countries have banned foods with GMOs. Maybe we should take a closer look.

My whole point of this is to let you know that there are options. Options that work. Before you put pills into your body, change your diet and use real, whole food to help you. In the world we live in it may seemed far fetched that food can be the medicine to save your life, but as soon as you start eating clean, natural food, you see the effects. Your skin clears up, you begin to lose weight, you have more energy, and so much more. Once you start eliminating toxins, your body starts to function properly and your overloaded liver can do it's job right. DOterra Essential Oils are a safe and natural way to fight disease and colds. They are safe and effective. We use them in our home to fight colds, sore throats, headaches, muscle soreness, and the list is endless. I have a friend whose mother was cured of cancer. Yes, there are oils that battle cancer! If you are allergic to a certain plant, like lavender, then don't use lavender. That is about as careful as you need to be. I have used these oils to battle infection, and they have helped me sleep. There are many studies and you should look at them and decide for yourself!

I am not here to tell you how to live your life. I am not here to judge how you live your life. I am here to say that you have the right to know what you are putting into your body and you have the right to decide how you handle your health. You don't have to live in a zombie state of health. Alive and kicking, but in pain and addicted. I am just asking you to look into it. Do the research. Don't let the awful entertainment media distract you from what is really important. Let's exercise our rights to be free thinking and not controlled by people who may not have your best interest in mind and in their hearts. 

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